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Erste Infos zu Buch 13

Zusammenkunft der Mitglieder und Gäste von Sancta Lux.

Moderatoren: Fenthick, Gildenleiter, Offiziere

Beitragvon Odain am 11/3/2008, 13:35

Und weiter gehts:

Hey guys, I wanted to give everyone a heads up on a few tweaks coming to Annuminas in Book 13.

In general, we here at Turbine love this area, but feel there are a couple of problems that keep it from getting a lot of play. In Book 13, we are trying to make a few tweaks to make this area to try and address those issues.

- Accessibility is one of those issues, so in Book 13 we are providing a reputation gated travel route from Tinnudir to Echad Garthadir. This route will make it easier to get across Lake Evendim to this area.

- We have also added a Milestone, just in case you would like to recall here easily from any where in the world.

Flipping the Camps
- Another problem is conveying better what is going on at the 3 camps found in Annuminas and how they relate to accessing the 3 instances there. What we are doing is providing some in-game items to both Tinnudir and Echad Garthadir that, when examined, will help explain the current state of the events and how camp control affects instance accessibility.
- We have also added some region broadcasts when the camps flip state, just to further let people know something is going on out in Annuminas.

Rally Points
- We have also added a new Rally point for the Annuminas Tombs and Palace instances. This rally point will be on the island, so if you are defeated in one of those instances, you will not have to cross back over the bridge. This should make getting back into those instances a lot easier.

Annúminas Quests
- The biggest change coming is to the quests that go into Annuminas. We have decided to make those quests "dailies," or quests that reset everyday. Since you can now do these everyday, we have removed the experience rewards and tweaked the other rewards a bit. Our hope though is that this will help you get more of the barter tokens, the "Arnorian Armour Fragments" and the "Battered Arnorian Armour" items, that you need for the armour sets.

Annúminas Barter Tokens
- Due to the quest change above, we have decided to make the barter tokens bind on acquire. This means that you will no longer be able to trade them once Book 13 is available.
- This means that if you have stored any of these items on Alts, you want to send them to whatever character you want to eventually get the armour.
- In addition, if you have any stored in your house, those items will be bound to the first character who picks them up from storage.
- Items that are on the Auction House will be, again, bound to the first person who receives them in their inventory.
- If the items are in your Vault, they will be bound to your character when you take them from the Vault.

Sorry for going so long, I try to tie this up here by saying that these are not the only changes coming, but we would like to see how Book 13 goes before we do anything else.


Beiträge: 203
Registriert: 4/4/2007, 15:04
Wohnort: Oldendorf S-H

Beitragvon Aldebaran am 11/3/2008, 12:06

Uiiiiii.....vielen Dank Odain :thx:

Da freu ich mich doch schon wie verrückt, einen weiteren Teil von meiner Lieblingswelt erkunden zu dürfen!  :tanzen2:

Alde Dunkelmond :king:
"Niemals aufgeben! Niemals kapitulieren!"
"Des Feindes Pfeile werden die Sonne verdunkeln" - "Gut!! Dann kämpfen wir im Schatten"



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Registriert: 3/4/2007, 13:46
Wohnort: Freiburg i. Br.

Erste Infos zu Buch 13

Beitragvon Odain am 11/3/2008, 10:17

Karte von Forochel



Beiträge: 203
Registriert: 4/4/2007, 15:04
Wohnort: Oldendorf S-H

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